Matthew Matty Summer Interns

A Summer Intern’s Experience at Cell Pack Solutions

Reflecting on what I’ve learnt over my three summers

Hi, my name is Matthew! Born and raised in the North East, I have just finished my third year at the University of Stirling studying Scottish Law (LLB). I am aiming to qualify as a Solicitor within Scotland, ideally working in Glasgow! I have been a Summer Intern at Cell Pack Solutions over the past three summers and have been asked to write this blog detailing my experiences.

My experience

Cell Pack are keen to have summer interns and I have been very warmly welcomed over my three summers. I must be doing a good job as I keep getting invited back! Over these summers, I have been in a number of roles, ranging from Logistics to Production and now Media. I have also been involved in some extracurricular activities, including the unofficial 2021 Relay for Life. This allowed me to meet people within the company that I would not normally get the opportunity to chat to and gain valuable experience from.

My Roles Being a Summer Intern at Cell Pack Solutions


Production has probably been the most rewarding as I have been taught many skills, such as Soldering and Sonic Welding. It has been challenging as there is a high standard within the production department and it is a fast-paced environment. However, everyone within the department has been very patient with me. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here; especially when I have been able to look back on progress with the different skills I have learnt.


Logistics was a real workout, both physically and mentally! The department is responsible for both the external shipping and the internal product storage management. As a part of the department you have to ensure that everything is sent to where it needs to be, be that to a customer or to the production department. The department is close knit, much like the rest of Cell Pack. I have spent the most time within this department and found it very interesting and fulfilling, as well as a great workout.


During my time at Cell Pack, I have also been invited to take part in the various events that Cell Pack runs for great causes, with the most recent one being abseiling for Cancer Research. Cell Pack have been taking part in Cancer Research Relays for life for about 5 years now and I was lucky to be involved in the unofficial relay walk, just after COVID 19. Myself and about eight others walked between Souter Lighthouse and South Shields Lighthouse, along the cliff path instead of the Track at Monkton Stadium.

I remember it as I had a really enjoyable time with the team that turned up. Everyone was in good spirits and the walk gave me an opportunity to talk to people in different departments. In particular I remember talking to Aaron (Marketing Manager). I had seen his face whilst completing stock rotations but had never had the opportunity to talk to him. It was nice to talk on a personal level about family, education and the different activities & holidays we’d both been on.

Relay For Life Walk 2021 Matthew
The Team at the Relay Walk 2021

To the future

Cell Pack are committed to taking on local students and giving them experience within a fast-paced company. We are working to similar standard as the full time staff. This allows us to develop our expertise to communicate and rapidly learn new skills. It also gives Cell Pack the opportunity to find future potential employees and build a network of talented young people across multiple sectors. This includes the latest Summer Intern, aptly named Matty!

Matty has been apart of Cell Pack for a couple of weeks now and has fitted in well. He has just finished his first year at Leeds Beckett University, studying Robotic Engineering. He is currently with me in production, enjoying soldering diodes and sleeving batteries.

Whilst my time here is likely coming to a close, due to my near completion of my university course, I will look back on my time here fondly and would encourage everyone to look for summer work to develop their skills. Apply NOW!

Matthew Matty
Matty & Matthew

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