Introducing Mascot Battery Chargers

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Mascot 2241 1 Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger (2241000196) Plug

Recently Cell Pack Solutions have acquired a range of high end NiMH and Li-Ion Mascot Battery Chargers. We will be offering these chargers as our preferred choice from now on for custom battery packs – as we are that confident in their capabilities.

Both chemistry chargers boast UN approval and certification for Medical use, along with a universal input voltage.

The NiMH range of chargers feature a computer programmable microprocessor. This means that here at Cell Pack Solutions, we are able to offer you a charger with customisable charge detection options, dV, dT/dt, 0 dV Timers as well as safety timer. We will also be able to offer chargers with a varying dV threshold and temperature gradients.

We are currently offering NiMH Mascot Battery chargers capable of charging anywhere from as little as 4-8 cell packs, all the way up to 10-20 cell packs, with a possible view to expand this selection in the future.

The Li-Ion range currently vary from 1 cell to 4 cell pack chargers. These chargers use a 3 step charge control system and feature intelligent charging with a host of built in security features.

We are very proud to have recently started working closely with Mascot and hope to continue offering a wider range of chargers over the years to come.

For more information on any of these chargers, go on over to our Mascot partner section, where you will be able to view the ranges, obtaining data sheets on specific products from there.


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