I was asked why I suddenly got this urge to join a trek to Everest Base Camp. The answer is really simple. I was spurred on by an article I read in a recent Entrepreneurs’ Forum magazine. I have spent the last 10 years working extremely hard to build a strong business and if I am honest those years have flown by and have become a bit of a haze.
The last 3 months in particular have been exceptionally busy. A combination of free time over Christmas, reading Peter Jones’ Tycoon Book and the realization that I need to set myself an extreme personal challenge that would enable me to lose at least a stone in weight led me to make this huge commitment (some people might think I should be committed).
I realise that the commitment I need to put in to training, diet and preparation is going to be major, but I am going to do it. I also intend to raise some money for charity.
Reactions so far are mixed, I think most are envious and wish they could make a similar commitment, some people no doubt think I am completely mad. The best reaction so far is that one of my colleagues has been spurred on to get involved in a charity bike ride from London to Paris. I hope that I will be able to report more on the charities in a later news post.